For almost thirty years, Boland has been creating high quality, professional broadcast monitors for film, television, aviation, and specialty needs.
They are constantly pushing the LCD / monitor boundaries in new technology, outfitting their LCD monitors with the widest colour gamut and ultra deep blacks. Red, green, and blue stability is guaranteed by All-Digital 12-bit Processing. From a field monitor that is colour critical, a low-cost SDI monitor for simple confidence monitoring, to a broadcast monitor with built-in waveform, vector scope, and audio meters, Boland is proud to offer all of these options (and more).
Broadtech are a distributor for Boland Monitors in New Zealand
Featured Products

4K HDR Monitors
The future is here. And what a beautiful future it promises to be. 4K by Boland is based on clarity, color, and size. Now available in sizes from 7″ to 98”, these models offer Ultra HD resolution of 3840 x 2160 (and 4096 x 2160 in 31″), and list features like ultra wide viewing angles, multiple digital inputs, upscale conversion of 1080 signal, Gamma Curve and RGB adjust, High and Standard Dynamic Range, safe area markers, and multiple color temperatures.

BHB-HDR Monitors
4:4:4. Waveform and Vector Scopes. 16 channel audio with de-embedder and built-in speakers. Support for 2K. 3G SDI Single Link and Dual link. Picture in Picture and Picture by Picture…each frame getting it’s own scopes simultaneously and with the ability to monitor dual SDI signals at the same time. RGB parade. Digital and Analog signal inputs.10 bit processing and 10 bit panels. Calibration at the factory for various color gamut’s that can be changed on the fly: DCinema, 709, 601, EBU.

Teleprompting Monitors
For almost two decades, Boland has manufactured dependable, high quality teleprompting models with 4:3 native aspect, in 8″, 12″, 15″, and 19″ sizes. DayBrite (1500 nts) or standard briteness…you make the call. Our monitors are used on-set at CNN, for television shows like The View, The Talk, American Idol, and the Bachelor, by multiple international heads-of-state, and by the American President.